AB Darius Dillon Da me Darius Dillon say so!

Legislative Experience

13. April 2018 16:22 by abdillon in

On a scholarship grant awarded by the Indian Government in 2006, I obtained a Certificate in the Courses of Parliamentary Procedure and Legislative Drafting from Lok Sahba Secretariat in New Delhi, India. “Lok Sahba” means “House of the People” or House of Representatives”


Appointed as Chief of Staff in the Offices of House Speaker Edwin M. Snowe, Jr. (2006-2007) and Sen. Jewel Howard-Taylor (2007-2011) respectively, we had loads of work to do. In addition to supervising each office staff, we were responsible to review every document and provide appropriate pointers and inputs to ease their jobs. We drafted bills, wrote speeches, prepared the annual legislative agendas and reports; We also took charge of and handled other administrative matters related to the offices of the Speaker and the Senator. I also represented the Speaker and the Senator at occasions in and out of Liberia.